Self-awareness is paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It's taking a step back long enough to notice what life is bringing up for you see. When you get to know your true self without all the stories from the past you’ll experience inner peace.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” Ralph Waldo Emerson


There is a driving life force that carries you through life. When you're tapped into the power within yourself you live with unbridled passion. Set yourself free and see where it takes you.

When you're faced with a challenging situation rather than asking why it's happening, ask who you need to be to get through it. This will keep you engaged in the present moment where you need to focus your energy and grow from the experience. 

Self-awareness requires being honest with yourself. Change happens naturally once you're aware of what needs to change. It isn't helpful to judge yourself; simply be willing to change and do your best.

Listening to your intuition is an essential self-awareness practice. If your ego tends to talk over your intuitive voice you may need to create moments of peace and quiet to hear it. Spend time in nature, practice meditation, and tune in to your soul for guidance when you first wake up in the morning.

 Pay attention to the way your body feels. It’s always sending you messages in the form of pain, tension, fatigue, illness, and other symptoms. Once you get the message you can give your body what it needs to heal.

Be aware of what comes up for you in relationships. When you know your emotional triggers you can take full responsibility for them rather than blaming another person for causing your painful emotions.

What is your spirit nudging you to do? When you pay attention to the nudges you will develop a habit of self-awareness that will guide you to live your life with joy, passion, and purpose.


To receive a free 30-minute phone coaching session with me on living your dreams, email me at:


Love and light,

Carol Gutzeit 

DYI Blogger/Life Coach

January 25, 2020 — Carol Gutzeit

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