This month is the perfect time to let your adventurous spirit come out and play! You can find adventure in creative ways that simply take you beyond your comfort zone. 

In this week’s blog there are seven ways to become more adventurous. Embrace each one as an opportunity to feel deeply alive and inspired by life.

I Am Adventurous 

Venture out into uncharted territory and let the journey begin. There is no telling what you might encounter, and that’s the beauty of adventure. Move steadily into the vast unknown world empowered by the wisdom of uncertainty.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” ~ Helen Keller


Trust in the wisdom of uncertainty. The unknown may be uncertain but it also holds infinite potential where your choices are unlimited. Life is an adventure where the unknown becomes known by following a path of discovery. 

You can experience adventure without becoming an adrenaline junkie. All that is required is a desire to venture out into the unknown and be open to the world around you in new and exciting ways. A trip is usually planned, an adventure is more like a journey that unfolds moment by moment as you trust your intuition to guide you.

Travel to a new place and try something new. You’ll discover that every place you visit has something unique to offer that adds to the adventure of being alive. Nature has the best adventure parks on the planet. Enjoy her lakes, rivers, waterfalls and oceans for an invigorating experience that will uplift your body, mind and soul.  

Create a bucket list of adventures you’d like to have in your lifetime. Let the adventure begin the moment you write it and feel the excitement that comes from declaring what your soul is longing to experience. Give yourself permission to go wild with your list, after all, it’s your list.

See your whole life as one big adventure, because it is. You never really know what life will bring that will require you to dig deeper or climb higher. Challenges and obstacles may appear to be blocking your path. The adventure comes from learning how to get around an obstacle or choose a different path.

Do something different every day for thirty days. Drive a new route to work or the grocery store, visit a new place you've never been before, meet new people, taste a new kind of fruit or vegetable, or start a new hobby. Be creative, spontaneous, and have fun!

Make preparing meals an adventure by trying new recipes. Explore organic plant-based options and see how colorful you can make each dish. Use the vibrant color of your meals to set a table that compliments the sacred experience of nourishing your body. 

With love and light,

Carol Gutzeit

Life Coach + Blogger


If you would like a FREE 30-minute coaching session, send an email to: to schedule a call.

July 19, 2020 — Amanda Polidore

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