Make connections that uplift, energize, elevate and inspire you to become the highest version of yourself. Connect with nature to feel uplifted; connect with creativity to feel energized; connect with heart-centered humans to feel elevated; and connect with your soul to feel inspired. 

“But I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything.”  ~ Alan Watts


Life is all about connection. You start by connecting with your mother, father, siblings, friends, teachers, society and the world. With all of these outer connections you may forget to connect with your spirit, which is the most important connection of all.

Mother Earth is alive. She will uplift your physical body to its natural state of well-being every time you connect with her. Make a point of spending time in nature as often as possible to calm your nervous system, repair your cells and regenerate your body.

Connect with your creativity as a way to energize your life. You are a creative being and you are here to create. Direct your mind to create for the pure joy of unleashing your inner creative genius and see where your imagination takes you.

Connecting with heart-centered humans will elevate your soul. If you enjoy being around like-minded people you will thrive around like-hearted individuals. Human beings who can keep their hearts open, no matter what is happening, are exceptional.

Whenever you feel inspired, you are connected to your soul. It’s like entering a living library of infinite intelligence where everything you need to know is readily available. This vital connection provides the inspiration you need to reach your full potential.

Connect to the healing power within by supporting your body with high-quality nutrients. Since food is medicine, you can ask your inner physician to prescribe the food your body needs to heal and then nourish yourself into a state of vibrant health.

We are living in a world that is starved for real human connection. When two egos connect you only get fear-based interactions that can range anywhere from frustration and misunderstanding to harsh judgment and irrational blame. It’s time to create soul connections based on unconditional love; the same way we tend to relate with our pets.

With love and light,

Carol Gutzeit

Blogger + Life Coach

To schedule a free 30-minute coaching call email me at:

August 27, 2021 — Carol Gutzeit

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