This holiday season is the perfect time to focus on balance. Feeling balanced allows you to enjoy this time of year with more ease and grace.

In this week’s blog you’ll learn seven ways to create physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance for total well-being.

In January we’ll be offering: 30 Days to a Balanced Life with an added bonus for DYI customers to receive 4 group coaching sessions with the online course. We’ll be choosing a lucky winner this week to receive the entire upgraded package for free! 

I Am Balanced

Balance is the foundation of health and happiness. You can build yourself up by taking care of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Being balanced is the key to creating a healthy body, creative mind, loving heart, and free spirit.

“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.” 

                                                                                                                        ~ Thomas Merton


You have everything you need to become a balanced human being. Your body and mind serve as the human parts; your heart and spirit represent your inner being. To be healthy, creative, loving and free is simply a matter of getting out of your own way.

Your body is a good place to start creating balance. Unhealthy habits and poor choices block the flow of well-being that keeps your body in its natural state of balance. When you know that your body is out of balance, make a new choice and start a healthy habit.

Holding on to limiting beliefs that cause unwanted behaviors can lead to negative mental patterns that stifle creativity. Observe an unwanted behavior to determine the limiting belief behind the behavior. Let go of the belief and you’ll clear mental space for  more creative, empowering beliefs.    

Emotional reactions based on past fears will close your heart. Notice how you tend to overreact because of fear. Choose to live in the here and now so that you can respond to the present moment with an open heart. A loving heart is a symptom of inner balance.

Being inauthentic by refusing to accept who you really are limits your freedom. You are a magnificent spiritual being having a human experience. Embody your authentic self as a free spirit with infinite potential and create your best life.

Food is medicine for your body and mind. Choose whole foods to create wholeness. A balanced food pyramid starts with a foundation of fruits and vegetables, layered with whole grains, leafy greens, legumes, and high-fat whole foods i.e. avocados and nuts.

What you wear on the outside is a reflection of how you feel on the inside. When you feel balanced you choose styles, colors and fabrics that feel good because they allow you to move, breathe, relax, and express yourself freely.

With love and light,

Carol Gutzeit
Blogger + Life Coach

To schedule a free 30-minute coaching call email me at:

December 07, 2020 — Carol Gutzeit

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